32 or 64??

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Mon Feb 1 12:17:42 UTC 2010

> The problem with this analysis is it assumes that the 64 bit Flash
> plugin was actually released, which it wasn't.

The problem with the 'alpha' 'beta' or 'stable' tags is there are 
absolutely no guidelines or criteria that have to be meet in order to 
use them. It is completely up to the developer to decide. There are 
plenty of packages out there that effectively don't have a beta or alpha 
phase, and more or less go straight to 'release', but have frequent bug 
fixes. Do you install these just because the developers in question say 
they are ready and 'released' ?

In this case Abode is doing the opposite, being extremely cautious (or 
slow, depending on your point of view). Its still in what they call 
'beta', but is better in terms of stability in the real world, then a 
lot of so called stable code.

So yes, I don't care nor do I think it matters what tags Abode gives it. 
It works as well as the 32 bit plugin, so should IMO be regarded as 
stable, regardless of what Abode calls give it.

I have absolutely no problem recommending the 64 bit version to all 
newcomers that have 64 bit capable machines.

cheers Chris

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