recursively count the words occurrence in the text files

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Fri Dec 31 08:59:29 UTC 2010

On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 23:53:38 +0000 (UTC)
Jonesy <gmane at> wrote:

> Speaking as an ex-adjunct professor in "Computer Science", I would
> urge folks to answer such homework questions with 400-500 level
> solutions. Even the most oblivious instructor in the 100-200 level
> classes will see that it is not Original Work.
> E.g.; 
> When it's a 'script' request, offer a convoluted (working) perl
> solution.

As my esteemed wife says:
Oh, you are /bad/!  I like that in a man.

Cybe R. Wizard
There are several things microsoft has never understood:
  1) the internet isn't one big happy family you can trust
  2) code and data are different
  3) the operating system should be protected from its users
Active-X demonstrates all three failings.
	AZ Nomad

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