getting text from a video

Doug dmcgarrett at
Thu Dec 30 18:43:31 UTC 2010

On 12/30/2010 10:39 AM, Ashim Kapoor wrote:
> Dear Tapas,
> Would this help ?
> Let me know , I am also curious for this.
> Best,
> Ashim
This is fascinating.  I immediately thought of my Unix/Linux instructor 
at Suffolk
County Community College--his name was Teng, and he came from just where
you'd expect, but apparently the MIT guys have even thought of that--if they
can find someone to read it some text in that accent!  (I wish we'd had that
capability!  The text book [Linux: The Textbook: Sarwar, et al] had 
about the
worst index I've ever seen.)
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at 
> <mailto:mightydreams at>> wrote:
>     I am having a few videos with me.(approximately 15)
>     Each of one hour duration.These are in flv format.
>     I have to write in a doc what ever conversation is happening in
>     these videos.
>     So I would like to know if there is a software which can easily to the
>     same rather than me playing the video in VLC and listening to it and
>     then manually typing each time the conversion which is happening in
>     the videos.I do not need subtitles to video.I need to write the
>     complete conversation happening and then some one else would make this
>     concise after reading this entire conversation.
>     --
>     --
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