Display configuration lost !?

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 18:16:17 UTC 2010

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 4:06 AM, Sam Przyswa <samp at arial-concept.com> wrote:
> No, just an unknown monitor
> Is it a way to force a saved configuration or use the Ubuntu install
> tool to restart the config with the original monitor ?

Generally when you have a particular monitor connected, that's the one
the system will use to determine the size and configuration.  If it
comes up as an unknown monitor type, you can massage it by selecting
generic CRT or LCD settings that match what you think your monitor is
capable of handling.  To some extent, this also depends on what driver
you are running, which in turn depends on what video card you have.

However, you're playing with fire here - if you select a configuration
that your video card and monitor combined can NOT handle, you'll get
trash on the screen and have a lovely time getting out of it (usually
have to boot into single user mode and ditch/fix the
/etc/X11/xorg.conf file to something that works).

Until you have your 29" monitor back, it's usually wise to go with
what you have connected - what you had before may not ever work with
the current config.

On the positive side, once your 29" physical config is restored, you
should have little or no trouble getting it back and using it.

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