Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu

Thierry de Coulon tcoulon at
Wed Dec 29 08:48:44 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 29 December 2010 a lot of people I lost track of wrote:
> > > > Leadership is one thing. Autocracy is another.
> > >
> > > So far, Autocracy appears to be the 'better' option :)

Autocracy always has it's good and bad sides. Autocracy by a genius is good. 
You seldom get a second genius to follow the first one. And an autocrat gone 
mad can do a lot of damage.

Beside autocracy, you have religion and "guru'ism". Whatever stupidity Steve 
Jobs decides for MacOS his users will follow, because they just "believe" in 
Apple. I would have said that whatever Microsoft decides, their users would 
follow because they are unable to think by themselves, but the Vista story 
shows there is a limit...

So what about Ubuntu? I myself moved to Ubuntu because of the KDE 4 mess. If 
Ubuntu goes the Unity way and makes it too difficult to get rid of Unity and 
back to a sensible desktop, I'll change again the distribution. Will Ubuntu 
users obey the Apple way, or change?

I'm not worried, with Linux there is always a way to go. Probably, simply, 
there will be a new breed: perhaps Gubuntu with Gnome, Kubuntu with KDE and 
Ubuntu with Unity?


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