FLV - need a functional video editor

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Wed Dec 29 04:37:39 UTC 2010

On 28/12/2010 13:14, ANDY wrote:
> UBUNTU 9.10 +proposed
> I'm trying to edit clips out of FLV files and finding all the Ubuntu 
> Software Center video editors fail to work one way or another.  Can 
> someone recommend a basic function video editor?
> VideoCut - crashed on file open
> ProjectX / Open Movie Editor - won't play files
> Pitivi - no timeline controls
> Lives - takes long time to load short clip, doesn't encode properly
> AviDemux - requires i/b frame resync, then playback audio runs too fast
> ANDY - Salt Lake, UT US

Have you looked at flvtool2?


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                          Sir Winston Churchill

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