Drive Change

Bill Wright pegasus at
Tue Dec 28 00:10:49 UTC 2010

I actually want to remove my current drive which is 30GB and replace it 
with 200GB or so. Unlike windows I have software and a device that will 
move everything on drive 1 to drive 2.
Backing up the packages and data is not a big problem and I will 
reinstall the OS.

Thanks for  your input Josh,

Bill /  W4NVC

On 12/27/2010 07:03 PM, Josh Smith wrote:
> Bill,
> If you want to add this larger drive to your system and mount it as 
> storage for your home directory or etc. you will just need to mount it 
> somewhere temporarily, copy the data then adjust your fstab to mount 
> it automatically at its permanent location.
> If you are looking to replace your existing drive with this larger one 
> perhaps the easiest way to do things is to use dpkg -l or something 
> similar to dump a list of your currently installed packages, reinstall 
> the OS and then reinstall all of your packages and copy your 
> configuration files and personal data (home directories) from the 
> older drive.
> I have used both approaches in the past with success depending on my 
> goals.
> -- 
> Josh Smith
> email/jabber: juicewvu at <mailto:juicewvu at>
> phone:  304.237.9369(c)
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Bill Wright <pegasus at 
> <mailto:pegasus at>> wrote:
>     I want to mount a larger drive  in this computer. How can I go about
>     transferring everything on my present drive to a larger. I want to
>     avoid
>     reinstalling the entire system to a new drive.
>     --
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