Top Posting

James Freer jessejazza at
Mon Dec 27 21:29:09 UTC 2010

On 27 December 2010 20:52, Raeven Cogan <raevencgn at> wrote:
> Well I believe that I am posting in plain text now. Could someone verify this?

Yes - that's plain text. If you're using webmail like i do just above
the message pane there is a list of icons for html... if plain text
there is 'Rich Formatting' underlined to click on to convert over to

If email client - in preferences they'll be a default option for
sending in plain or html - 'ask me what to do' can also be set.
Basically you can receive in either but you choose which to send in.

Due to the space that html takes up it is frowned upon by many as an
html mail could be put as an attachment. They are a pain to reply to
so many don't see any point in them.


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