ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 76, Issue 173

zaheer abbas abbas.ubuntu at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 17:05:56 UTC 2010

use sudo are su root and try pinging to other computer


On 12/26/10, ubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com
<ubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
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> than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu (Cybe R. Wizard)
>    2. Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu (Goh Lip)
>    3. Re: Network problems (Bill Stanley)
>    4. Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu (Goh Lip)
>    5. Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu (Billie Walsh)
>    6. Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu (Goh Lip)
>    7. Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu (Robert Holtzman)
>    8. Re: Network problems (Lucio M Nicolosi)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 21:10:52 -0600
> From: "Cybe R. Wizard" <cyber_wizard at mindspring.com>
> Subject: Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu
> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <20101226211052.4db5b059 at WizardsTower>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:07:42 +0800
> "Goh Lip" <g.lip at gmx.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 07:56:43 +0800, Avi Greenbury
>> <avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> > - I included the
>> > 'quite' to temper pedants such as us[0]
>> Since this thread has quite (somewhat) gone OT, I am quite (very)
>> sure you guys wont' mind, I've find the word 'quite' quite (rather)
>> confusing. As a non-native english speaker, there are words with
>> multiple meanings, or double entendres, which is quite (very)
>> alright; but to have a word with contradictory meanings is quite
>> (somewhat) unacceptable, because I'll have to guess in which context
>> it was intended for. (Never end sentence with preposition? -
>> then .....intended for, guys.  :) and "Never start a sentence with
>> 'never'?"  ha ha ha)
>> Regards - Goh Lip
>> ps: I confess I'm having loads of fun with the english language,
>> perhaps at quite (guess!) the same level as you guys with the english
>> signs displayed at non-english speaking countries. But as usual, just
>> quite good natured ribbing; nothing serious to take offense with, I
>> hope. ('I hope' added in so as not to end the sentence with 'with')
>> And Merry Christmas! (over? how was I to know?)
>     ;-]    that's quite a lot of quite fun fun to have over one
>     quiet little typo.
> quite != quiet, no matter what anyone/everyone may say.
> But have your fun; it's  ..quite fun!
> Cybe R. Wizard -and quiet fun, too!
> --
> In a world full of audio visual marvels, may words matter to you and be
> full of magic.
> 	Godfrey Smith
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 12:01:35 +0800
> From: Goh Lip <g.lip at gmx.com>
> Subject: Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support,	not for general discussions"
> 	<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <4D180F9F.6000203 at gmx.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On Monday 27,December,2010 11:10 AM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>> Cybe R. Wizard -and quiet fun, too!
> Quite!
> Regards, take care - Goh Lip
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 23:05:52 -0500
> From: Bill Stanley <bstanle at wowway.com>
> Subject: Re: Network problems
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support,	not for general discussions"
> 	<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <4D1810A0.6080505 at wowway.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 12/26/2010 06:48 PM, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
>> On 12/26/2010 07:15 PM, Bill Stanley wrote:
>>> The ping problem:
>>> When I use computer two to ping computer one I get some strange results.
>>> If I specify computer one using its ip address ( I fet a
>>> ping back with an average time of 0.27 ms.  If I specify the computers
>>> name (aragorn), sending a ping yields a time of 35.66 ms,  It's
>>> suprising that it would be this much slower.  Maybe if I specify the
>>> name, it is actually pinging some other computer (computer one has a
>>> common name).   Sending a ping from computer one to computer two yields
>>> nothing both for the ip-address ( and the computers name.
>>> The file sharing:
>>> I can't get a usable connection,  On looking at the /etc/samba log files
>>> I can see that there is some indication that a connection was attempted
>>> but the attempt failed. On both computers, the documents folder is
>>> shared but the shares-admin program allows only sharing via  Unix-nfsm,
>>> there ore no other choices even though there should samba listed (I
>>> think).  Frankly, I don't think shares-admin is very good.
>>> Using the Places/network desktop menu item on computer one the following
>>> are the results.
>>> 1. When I attempt to open a Windows network connection (NFS unix is not
>>> one of the choices)
>>> 2. When I open the windows network icon, I see nothing.  This is
>>> interesting because yesterday, I could see the name of my home network.
>>> In this respect, I have taken a step backwards,  I used to get an error
>>> message saying that the shares list was not sent.  The same situation is
>>> seen when I try to use computer rwo to connect to computer one.
>>> I hesitate to add the ancient (12 years old) computer to the mix.  Both
>>> computers dual boot and I can boot on computer one to Windows 7,
>>> Open-Suse or Unbuntu,  I almost exclusively use Unbuntu and I keep Win7
>>> around just because it came pre-installed with it.  Computer two can
>>> boot to Windows XP (Service pack 2) or Unbuntu.  I might try to
>>> establish a network connection when computer two is booted to Win-XP.
>>> If I can get a connection,I can at least rule out hardware problems.
>> What does it happen when you ping an external address with computer 2,
>> both IP and Hostname, say www."someplace".com
>> (http://www.hcidata.info/host2ip.cgi may help you to do this)? Would you
>> observe the same latency discrepancies?
>> Why hesitate? It would be nice to check the behavior of this "ancient"
>> computer regarding pings.
>> Wouldn't you have a spare lan board to test with the faulty PC?
> It is interesting that you mention that!  Using computer two (the one
> that doesn't respond to a ping) I can get a response to a ping from
> computer one when I use the ip number (By the way, I am aware of the
> fact that its ip number,, is an internal ip number only).
>   Now when I tried pinging using its host-name I got an external
> computer.  Where this computer is I do not know but from its ip number
> is external to my home network.  I could have to come up with unique
> host-names but I don't want to complicate matters more than they now are.
> I also booted computer two to Windowx XP.  I can ping both ways when
> booted to Windows but I am still unable to establish a network
> connection.  This proves that the ping problem is not hardware related.
>   Maybe I can't ping using the host-name is because I am not running
> host-name server software?  I doubt it and for security reasons, I would
> prefer that my computer host-names not be known outside of my home
> network.  (That is why I refer to them as computers one and two.)
> I think I might have to try the ancient computer... It can dual boot
> Windows 2000 or Suse Linux.  As for the Lan board, I do not have one of
> those.  I might mention that I can run WireShark (a network snoop) but
> am not experienced enough with it to make too much sense of the output.
>   I can make sense of some of the output however.  If anyone out there
> knows how to use it properly in this context, I would appreciate any
> advice on its use.  I think that it might prove useful particularly if
> the third (ancient) computer is running it to look at the communication
> attempts between computers one and two.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 12:11:33 +0800
> From: Goh Lip <g.lip at gmx.com>
> Subject: Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support,	not for general discussions"
> 	<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <4D1811F5.6020600 at gmx.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On Monday 27,December,2010 10:07 AM, Goh Lip wrote:
>> he same level as you guys with the english signs
>> displayed at non-english speaking countries.
> Once, I was at a signage (no plural?) shop and the girl there was
> preparing a sign with "Motocycles Parking". I told her it should be
> "Motocycle Parking".  She asked, "What? Only parking for ONE
> motorcycle?"  I guess her logic is quite irrefutable or english grammar,
> inexplicable.
> Regards - Goh Lip
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 22:14:28 -0600
> From: Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at swbell.net>
> Subject: Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu
> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <4D1812A4.7080803 at swbell.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 12/26/2010 08:07 PM, Goh Lip wrote:
>> Since this thread has quite (somewhat) gone OT, I am quite (very) sure you
>> guys wont' mind, I've find the word 'quite' quite (rather) confusing. As a
>> non-native english speaker, there are words with multiple meanings, or
>> double entendres, which is quite (very) alright; but to have a word with
>> contradictory meanings is quite (somewhat) unacceptable, because I'll have
>> to guess in which context it was intended for. (Never end sentence with
>> preposition? - then .....intended for, guys.:)  and "Never start a
>> sentence with 'never'?"  ha ha ha)
>> Regards - Goh Lip
> There is no such thing as "English Language". Only the hundreds of forms
> of speech spoken by "english speaking people" around the world.
> "English" is a polyglot.
> --
> "A good moral character is the first essential in a man." George Washington
> _ _...  ..._ _
> _._  ._  .....  ._..  ...  .._
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 12:24:12 +0800
> From: Goh Lip <g.lip at gmx.com>
> Subject: Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu
> To: bilwalsh at swbell.net, "Ubuntu user technical support,	not for
> 	general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <4D1814EC.2090601 at gmx.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On Monday 27,December,2010 12:14 PM, Billie Walsh wrote:
>> There is no such thing as "English Language". Only the hundreds of forms
>> of speech spoken by "english speaking people" around the world.
>> "English" is a polyglot.
> Yo, right on, my good man. I shall not refudiate you.
> Regards - Goh Lip
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 22:09:23 -0700
> From: Robert Holtzman <holtzm at cox.net>
> Subject: Re: Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu
> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Message-ID: <20101227050923.GB16914 at cox.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 07:38:33PM +0000, Avi Greenbury wrote:
>> Robert Holtzman wrote:
>> > On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 05:41:53PM +1100, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> > > On 26/12/2010 07:05, Robert Holtzman wrote:.
>> > Leadership is one thing. Autocracy is another.
>> >
>> So far, Autocracy appears to be the 'better' option :)
> In terms of what?
>> Mark's 'autocracy' is quite unuique amongst distributions, and Ubuntu
>> (as a distribution aimimg for market share) is pretty high among the
>> most popular distributions
> If "better" is to be measured in terms of popularity, we all know what
> would win.....and it sure ain't a linux distro. That doesn't make it
> better in any way that matters to me.
>> - anyone not wanting to be involved in an
>> autocratically-lead distro would surely find themselves involved in a
>> more *cratic one, depending on their preference?
> Example?
> --
> Bob Holtzman
> Key ID: 8D549279
> "If you think you're getting free lunch,
>  check the price of the beer"
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:18:16 -0200
> From: Lucio M Nicolosi <lmnicolosi at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Network problems
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support,	not for general discussions"
> 	<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <4D182FA8.9000707 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On 12/27/2010 02:05 AM, Bill Stanley wrote:
>> It is interesting that you mention that!  Using computer two (the one
>> that doesn't respond to a ping) I can get a response to a ping from
>> computer one when I use the ip number (By the way, I am aware of the
>> fact that its ip number,, is an internal ip number only).
>>   Now when I tried pinging using its host-name I got an external
>> computer.  Where this computer is I do not know but from its ip number
>> is external to my home network.  I could have to come up with unique
>> host-names but I don't want to complicate matters more than they now are.
>> I also booted computer two to Windowx XP.  I can ping both ways when
>> booted to Windows but I am still unable to establish a network
>> connection.  This proves that the ping problem is not hardware related.
>>   Maybe I can't ping using the host-name is because I am not running
>> host-name server software?  I doubt it and for security reasons, I would
>> prefer that my computer host-names not be known outside of my home
>> network.  (That is why I refer to them as computers one and two.)
>> I think I might have to try the ancient computer... It can dual boot
>> Windows 2000 or Suse Linux.  As for the Lan board, I do not have one of
>> those.  I might mention that I can run WireShark (a network snoop) but
>> am not experienced enough with it to make too much sense of the output.
>>   I can make sense of some of the output however.  If anyone out there
>> knows how to use it properly in this context, I would appreciate any
>> advice on its use.  I think that it might prove useful particularly if
>> the third (ancient) computer is running it to look at the communication
>> attempts between computers one and two.
> Your DNS server is routing your traffic to an external domain when you
> ping this hostname. Perhaps you should change its name.
> You should update the /etc/hosts files, IP and hostname, on each
> computer in your LAN. In Windows, look for the file "hosts".
> I believe that unless you can fix this ping problem, any attempt to
> configure file sharing may turn out to be futile, (however...)
> Have you tried to ssh across these workstations? You will need to "sudo
> aptitude install ssh" on each one and check if the port number 22 on the
> receiving end is open (or the firewall is off), and then run, for
> instance, "ssh" from the terminal. If successful, it will
> mean that whatever the ping problem origin is, communication is feasible
> (but I would be very surprised if it works).
> --
> L M Nicolosi, Eng.
> Linux Regist. User #481505 - http://counter.li.org/
> ------------------------------
> --
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> End of ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 76, Issue 173
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