Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Dec 27 08:04:17 UTC 2010

On 27 December 2010 04:24, Goh Lip <g.lip at> wrote:
> On Monday 27,December,2010 12:14 PM, Billie Walsh wrote:
>> There is no such thing as "English Language". Only the hundreds of forms
>> of speech spoken by "english speaking people" around the world.
>> "English" is a polyglot.
> Yo, right on, my good man. I shall not refudiate you.

I would not normally correct minor errors in language, but since
language is what we are talking about, and I am not sure whether this
was an intentional Palinism (and coming from Goh Lip I suspect it may
have been) I thought correction would be in order.  Refudiate is not a
word, I suspect there is confusion between refute and repudiate.
Also, in either case. it is the claim that would (or in this case
would not be) repudiated rather than the writer.


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