Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sun Dec 26 06:30:47 UTC 2010

On 25/12/2010 13:04, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Basil Chupin<blchupin at>  wrote:
>> I've installed openSUSE 11.3 with the gnome desktop but their mangling
>> of the gnome de - compared to Ubuntu - is pathetic. As it seems that
>> they are going with Gnome 3 then I sincerely hope that they will get it
>> looking like something which is put together by somebody who actually
>> has the end-user in mind.
> I have never had anything but battles with SuSE - Novell, SLES, whatever.
> Blecch.

Well, it's a normal "horses for courses" presentation I guess.

I used SuSE since 2001 - until April this year (2010) when I switched to 

In this period I had no troubles with SuSE/openSUSE (apart from the 
normal niggley bits), but I changed to Ubuntu (and gnome which I HATED 
way back when I was looking for a LInux distro :-) ) because of the KDE 
crap. (No intention of starting a DE war - but nevertheless KDE is crap, 
"Sorry, Natasha".)

With all the talk about Unity et al I thought that I would check out 
openSUSE, and some others, and found that the openSUSE implementation of 
gnome is RS - but I hope that their acceptance to run to run with gnome 
3 may make them adopt a sensible approach to gnome.

But if not, and nobody else takes the right approach, then there is 
always Windows and MAC....and even giving away to charity the computers 
and monitors to charity and going back to trying to gain serious 
knowledge and broadening the mind by reading those almost extinct 
objects called BOOKS :-) .


"Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die."

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