Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sun Dec 26 06:05:47 UTC 2010

On 25/12/2010 08:41, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 19:45 +1100, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 24/12/2010 18:06, Nathan Bahn wrote:
>> [pruned]
>>> So I'm not the only one who has extreme difficulty getting *any* sound
>>> out of openSUSE 11.3.....  And here I thought it was just me!
>> Getting sound in 11.3 is exactly the same as trying to get sound working
>> under Ubuntu: get rid of pulseaudio, or otherwise read the threads on
>> this subject in this mail list about how to "do things with [the crap]
>> pulseaudio to get sound working like it was under alsa".
>> Once you know how to get sound under Ubuntu then you know what to do to
>> get sound under openSUSE 11.3.
> You just KNOW I can't let you get by with that without a rebuttal!

I know that.

> <grins evilly>

<Even an more evil grin>

>   What kind of sound card/chip do you have that doesn't
> like pulse?

I have always used Soundblaster Audigy cards. The one in my computer is 
Audigy 4 and in my wife's computer the earlier model.

When I installed Maverick on her computer a couple of weeks ago, I had 
to kick pulseaudio up the Khyber Pass into the stratosphere before I 
could get sound working. Same on my system. But once I get sound working 
putting back pulse is OK because the sound then keeps working.

>   I>HATED<  pulse for the longest time until I quit using alsa
> tools and mixers and stuck with pavucontrol.

Pavucontrol is just a piece of goats' droppings (how are yours going, 
BTW, the goats not the droppings? :-) ) because unless you get the sound 
working pavucontrol is as good as teats on a bull.

>   Now, it works exactly like
> I want it to, and find switching between sound sources and outputs to be
> a dream come true. Merry Xmas Basil! Stay out of trouble, as you "upside
> down people" are wont to do. :) Ric

"Merry Christmas!" BAH! HUMBUG! :-)

B (Scrooge) C

"Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die."

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