Interesting read about the future of Ubuntu

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Dec 24 08:36:38 UTC 2010

On 24/12/2010 17:19, Doug wrote:
> On 12/24/2010 12:08 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 24/12/2010 06:31, MR ZenWiz wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 1:06 AM, Ric Moore<wayward4now at>    wrote:
>>>> Killing off X11?? :) Ric
>>> I was just beginning to really like Ubuntu.  This paradigm shift is worrisome.
>>> Maybe Mint will taste better,
>> Mint is simply a modification of Ubuntu (whichever is the latest
>> release). Uses the same Canonical repos and all. At least this was the
>> case when I tried (?)Mint 9.
>> Ultimate Edition is also a mod of Ubuntu.
>>>     or maybe I'll just stick with Maverick
>>> until it goes EOL and I can look around again then....
>>> Anyone for CentOS 6?  :-)
>> I've installed openSUSE 11.3 with the gnome desktop but their mangling
>> of the gnome de - compared to Ubuntu - is pathetic. As it seems that
>> they are going with Gnome 3 then I sincerely hope that they will get it
>> looking like something which is put together by somebody who actually
>> has the end-user in mind.
>> BC
> I found that MINT had undone a bunch of the craziness that Ubuntu uses,
> like putting the window controls on the wrong side.  You have to get
> rid of the ugly black background, and then you have something that
> works and looks pretty nice, and is familiar to the average computer
> user.

My observation about Mint being a modification of Ubuntu was to indicate 
that if Ubuntu goes Unity then Mint will do the same - more than likely 
than not.

I was not concerned with where Mint puts it's window controls - these 
can be quite easily, very easily, altered in Ubuntu if you wanted to.

>    It's one of my 2 favorite distros.  (The other is PCLINUXOS.)  I
> have nothing against Ubuntu--I had to use Ub for a school class, but it
> was all in the CLI. I think MINT outdoes Ub in making proprietary programs
> available--a very welcome situation, as far as I'm concerned!

But Mint is nothing more than Ubuntu so how can it "outdo" "making 
proprietary programs available"?

>    I think the
> folks behind Debian are nuts--they won't even let you have Firefox or
> Thunderbird.  (Just this evening I read about some difficulty someone
> was having with Deb's imitation T-bird.)

I haven't mentioned Debian so it is not relevant in this discussion.

> My last SuSE install was 10.3.

My last operating system was 10.3 - and I had absolutely no hassles with 
the sound. None at all: perfect sound with xine, vlc, kaffeine.

>   I gave up because I could never get any
> sound out of SuSE.   I looked at 11.x and puked.  Same for Kubuntu.

Couldn't even consider trying Kubuntu. KDE is the reason why I switched 
to Ubuntu.

> PCLOS proves that you _can_ run a KDE desktop and have a nice machine.

Sound in openSUSE is like the sound in Ubuntu: all to do with the crap 
called "pulseaudio".

Once you have worked out how to handle pulseaudio (ie, produce a motion 
which sends it down to the bottom of the latrine) and get alsa working 
then there is no problem with the sound.

I have to admit that what I learnt in Ubuntu about sound/pulseaudio/alsa 
got my sound working in openSUSE very quickly.


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