virtualbox 4.0 - using earlier VMs?

Karl Auer kauer at
Fri Dec 24 03:49:07 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 19:04 -0800, NoOp wrote:
> You didn't answer the question below:
> > 
> >> However, when you say you just installed maverick, did you install on a
> >> new partion and then move your VBox folder over to the new partition? If
> >> so, then you'll likely need to modify the xml and the UUID in the file.

Yes - I reinstalled (not an upgrade) Maverick, installed VB4, copied
the .VirtualBox machines and harddisk dirs back.

> In the past when I moved vmdk's over to a new machine partition without
> first exporting I recall having to adjust the uuid's in the xml.


> > Er - the whole point here is to avoid creating new VMs! I want to use
> > the old ones, with the HDDs that are attached to them. The path you
> > describe begins with "New" - which is specifically what I am trying to
> > avoid. Perhaps I've misunderstood you - what exact steps are you
> > suggesting?
> Just please try as I've suggested - use new & give the machine a new
> name & use the old vmdk. If it doesn't work then you can delete later.

Long since tried that. Works fine. Not the point of my original question
though. I do not *want* to have to manually recreate all the VMs and
attach hard disks to them.

If that is what I end up having to do, then I guess I am out of luck,
but it would be a poor reflection on VB4 if that were really necessary.

> It means that when I installed virtualbox-4.0 it uninstalled my existing
> 3.12 and automatically picked up my previous VM's and when I opened Vbox
> they appeared & run.

Maybe that is what I should do - uninstall 4.0, install 3.2 again, make
sure the VMs are all there, then install 4.0 over the top. Still a bit

> > I've read the manual some more, and will try simply pointing VB4 at the
> > old directory instead of at its default.

Didn't work :-)


Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                   +61-428-957160 (mob)

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