virtualbox 4.0 - using earlier VMs?

Karl Auer kauer at
Thu Dec 23 22:34:20 UTC 2010

Hi all.

I justinstalled maverick, and it hs been remarkably painless. However,
I'm having difficulties with my old Virtualbox VMs. I can't seem to get
them into VirtualBox 4.0!

I have a directory that has all the old VMs in it, and I have a working
VB 4.0 install. When I go to "Machine -> Add" ("add an existing virtual
machine") I  browse through to where the old machines are, then into the
Machines subdirectory and select <machinename>.xml. Whereupon VirtualBox
4.0 tells me

   Failed to open virtual machine located
   in /home/kauer/.VirtualBox/Machines/WINXP_SP3/WINXP_SP3.xml.

   Could not find an open hard disk with UUID

Clicking on "Details" shows me this:

   Result Code:VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80BB0001)
   Component: VirtualBox
   Interface:IVirtualBox {d2de270c-1d4b-4c9e-843f-bbb9b47269ff}

Not sure waht "open" means, but I tried to at least register the disk.
But the 4.0 Virtual Media manager has no way to register a disk!

Does this mean I will have to re-create all my VMs? That would make me
sad :-(

A quick read of the 4.0 doco does not reveal an upgrade path as such,
but does strongly imply (in the section on old vs new storage locations)
that 4.0 can use earlier VMs. Question is, how?

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                   +61-428-957160 (mob)

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