convert flv to vob

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Dec 23 21:37:52 UTC 2010

2010/12/23 Franz Waldmüller <waldbauernbub at>:
> Hi,
> I want to convert a recorder flv-video to a vob-video.
> I am not very familiar with flv and vob files, yet. I am looking for a
> conversion which leaves as many settings/codecs as possible unchanged. I
> just need a vob file to create a video-dvd.

Rather than ffmpeg have a look at devede, though I am not certain that
it will accept flv files as I have not used it for that.  If it will
accept flv then try it.  It was certainly by far the easiest way I
found of producing dvd from mpg input.


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