[10.10 64bit]-Why 8GB RAM Shows 7.8GB ?

win win22 at pochta.ru
Thu Dec 23 18:26:20 UTC 2010

On 23.12.2010 21:18, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> Den 2010-12-23 06:48:47 skrev win<win22 at pochta.ru>:
>> O 8GB ofmemory should be 8,589,934,592 bytes (which is significantly
>> more than200MB>  8 billion).
>> see the screen of my memory card properties
> Memory cards, hard drives etc are in GB (decimal – 1 GB=10⁹ B).
> Internal memory, on the other hand, are in GiB (binary – 1 GiB=2³⁰ B),but
> often, unfortunately, referred to as GB anyway for some reason.
> So your example is not relevant in this case, sorry.
Аnd where 300MB lost?

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