Has the Code Of Conduct changed? ...again?

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 12:48:09 UTC 2010

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at envygeeks.com> wrote:
> On 12/18/2010 1:42 AM, Nick Edwards wrote:
>> The CoC is a toothless tiger" that are not members of the lists, and,
>> it becomes "a joke" if you think it can be said to apply to "users of
>> ubuntu" who are not members of the lists. it is like the U.S. govt
>> trying to force its laws again non citizens, non residents - a
>> complete farce that makes them the laughing stock of the western world
>> (in ref to what they tried to do to Wikileaks founder)
> You just made yourself the laughing stock of Ubuntu users for being a
> complete idiot.
I've been a Gentoo user for quite a while, then switched to Debian and
have recently been netted by Xubuntu. I've participated on the mailing
lists of all these distributions, and the one for Gentoo was generally
very civilized. On the Debian list I had one nasty encounter, but I
guess that was an unfortunate experience and was not representative of
that list (but I was still shocked that no moderator stepped in).

The Ubuntu list, however, left a very sour feeling after browsing only
through a couple discussions. The initial impression was that of a
lightly mannered, quick to judge and generally unfriendly community
('friendly' in a more general sense, not simply friendly to new
users). It was as if too many, too um-moderated loose fringes were
freely roaming around and throwing away personal remarks in every
other message. This gets me thinking thrice before seeking help on
your list.

I'm also a regular reader of 'R help', infamous for its
aggressive---read: 'impatient'---treatment of ignorant users, and it
in no way compares to the nastiness of ubuntu-users. On many other
projects that I follow I've never encountered anything similar to what
I regularly see on this list (in this very thread, really), and I've
seen users getting banned for much less than calling another a
'complete idiot'. It's puzzling that such behaviour is so easily
tolerated here.

That would be my take on the subject, and I'm now preparing myself for
all the eggs that might get thrown into my direction. As far as my
intentions go, I do not want to offend and more than anything I'd like
to be constructive. Best regards

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