(OT) Re: Has the Code Of Conduct changed? ...again?

AV3 arvimide at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 20 16:19:08 UTC 2010

On Dec/20/2010 4:1306 AM, Graham Todd wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:48:11 +0800
> "Goh Lip"<g.lip at gmx.com>  wrote:
>> Heh heh heh, allow me a light-hearted whining...
>> Being on this mailing list has made me a much slower reader of
>> (english language) publications. I find I have to pause at every
>> 'your' and 'you're' (and others as well) to see if they mean exactly
>> what is written. (Huffington post, CNN, Cablegates<by diplomats>
>> made similar mistakes too) Being a non-native english speaker, I
>> wonder if this affects the natives too.  :)
> [snipped]
> Actually, CNN, Huffington Post, etc, that you name are all North
> American, *not* English, but the rules pertaining to the North American
> language are similar to (but not the same as) English (wot is spoke
> in England).
> It irritates me (and many other native English speakers in England) to
> have the English language emasculated in this way.  If North Americans
> want to call their language English, it should conform to the Queen's
> English and the O.E.D. (Oxford English Dictionary).
> And if I sound like Disgusted of Maidstone, I am just that!

All the European languages spread out to their colonies reflect 
evolution from the local dialects they started with. None of them owe 
allegiance to the present-day standard in the country of origin. 
Australian English, Argentine Spanish, Quebecois, etc., are autonomous 
and will continue to evolve on their own. To say nothing of countries 
with English as the second national language, as India, Nigeria, etc.

The authentic pronunciation of Elizabethan English is better represented 
by modern-day Irish English than by the Royal Shakespeare Company. 
Anybody can declare a standard but on one can enforce it, not even 
languages with official Academies.

||Arnold VICTOR, New York City, i. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>    ||
||Arnoldo VIKTORO, Nov-jorkurbo, t. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>   ||
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