Has the Code Of Conduct changed? ...again?

Boggess Rod rboggess at tenovacore.com
Mon Dec 20 14:59:20 UTC 2010

>To make sure that you and I are seeing things in the same light, one
>cannot be a "member[s] of this list[s]" unless you subscribe to
>this/these [Ubuntu] list[s] and are accepted as a subscriber.
>You cannot suddenly post to this list, for example, unless you first
>subscribe to it.
>This list is a not a *public* list such as a Usenet newsgroup.
>When you subscribe to this mail list you are (may be) given permission
>to access this list, which is also moderated by someone like Alan Pope.
>This list has rules to be followed, unlike the Usenet newsgroups.
>And in any case, I see no connection with what is happening here with
>what "the U.S. govt [is] trying to force its laws....". Can you see
>connection between the two situations which I fail to see?
>"Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die."

I'm still catching up on email, so someone may have already pointed this
out, but you're incorrect. This list is quasi-public. Non-subscribers
can post, but they're moderated (pre-screened) first. Subscriber posts
are unmoderated. (I discovered this when I tried to post and my reply-to
address didn't match my subscriber address.) Personally, I find this
odd, since I don't know how a non-member poster will receive a reply to
a question, but that's what the automated reply said when I did post as
a non-member. If this is incorrect, then the automated reply should be
updated to reflect the change of policy.

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