About programming, a general question

Boggess Rod rboggess at tenovacore.com
Mon Dec 20 14:08:52 UTC 2010

>Message: 5
>In 1968 (or a year earlier) DEC (Digital Equipment Society) the
>of the 12- and 18 (and 36-) bit computers (resp. PDP-8, PDP-9 and
>PDP-10) delivered with their products (at least the PDP-8) a BASIC-like
>program called FOCAL (FOrmula CALculation) that was more advanced than
>BASIC as it had many of the concepts of FORTRAN but was - as was BASIC
>an interpreted language which, in those days, took a much longer time
>run than compiled programs.
>Of course most programs were written in FORTRAN (which was standard in
>those days) and FOCAL was only for play and for small quick and dirty
>I wonder of others from the "oldies" on this list has reminiscences of
>that language.

Thank you! I was just talking with my 20-something office mate about
this, but couldn't remember the language. Do you remember a similar one
used by HP? Couldn't remember that one, either.

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