Has the Code Of Conduct changed? ...again?

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 20 12:11:17 UTC 2010

From: "Graham Todd" <grahamtodd2 at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, 2010/December/20 01:13

> On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:48:11 +0800
> "Goh Lip" <g.lip at gmx.com> wrote:
>> Heh heh heh, allow me a light-hearted whining...
>> Being on this mailing list has made me a much slower reader of
>> (english language) publications. I find I have to pause at every
>> 'your' and 'you're' (and others as well) to see if they mean exactly
>> what is written. (Huffington post, CNN, Cablegates <by diplomats>
>> made similar mistakes too) Being a non-native english speaker, I
>> wonder if this affects the natives too.  :)
> [snipped]
> Actually, CNN, Huffington Post, etc, that you name are all North
> American, *not* English, but the rules pertaining to the North American
> language are similar to (but not the same as) English (wot is spoke
> in England).
> It irritates me (and many other native English speakers in England) to
> have the English language emasculated in this way.  If North Americans
> want to call their language English, it should conform to the Queen's
> English and the O.E.D. (Oxford English Dictionary).
> And if I sound like Disgusted of Maidstone, I am just that!
> -- 
> Graham Todd

Graham, I correspond with and have talked with British school system
products who are fully as miserable with their native tongue as any
American is with the American brand of English.

Face it, we both suffer with 3rd world public educational systems. Only
the private schools seem to turn out some modicum of literacy.

{o.o}   (Three pages of text as one passive voice sentence punctuated
        with a hundred or so semi-colons is exhausting to read, trust
        me. That gem was written by a British engineer. I broke it up
        into several paragraphs in active voice. It no longer put its
        victims to sleep. {^_-})

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