Problems loading driver for external antenna

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Dec 20 11:48:18 UTC 2010

John Everard wrote:
> Thanks again.  I've entered the SSID but when I try to run Firefox it
> just spins round and round, and then gives up and says it can't find
> the servers for any of the five tabs I use.  I know they are all
> fine because I have a machine running Chrome over Windows sitting
> next to my Ubuntu machine which reads them all without problems. 

Well, that doesn't look too good. From the symptoms I don't know what 
to suggest. After all I'm not really familiar with the network manager 
or the GUI for it. I can only guess what to do from the Ubuntu livecd 
running in a virtual machine - but that one has no wireless interface.

My only suggestion would be to install wicd and use it instead of the 
network manager. But that would be just another experiment because it 
isn't guaranteed to be working either. If you do install wicd, don't 
forget to remove the network manager entry for your wireless network. I 
have seen problems when both network manager and wicd try to manage the 
wireless connection.

Hopefully someone else has a better idea.


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