[OT] Re: About programing, a general question

Parshwa Murdia ubuntu.bkn at gmail.com
Sat Dec 18 07:11:43 UTC 2010

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 6:01 AM, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

No. But I learned Benton Harbor BASIC (circa 1977) on this:
> http://www.classiccmp.org/dunfield/heath/ad78a.jpg
> [note the price: for me that was $1,400 as I had to have it shipped to
> Japan where I was living at the time (1977 dollars & in todays dollars
> is around $4,960 based on the 2009 CPI more if you use other indexes): I
> eventually upgraded to 32K of RAM & that cost considerably more] and was
> still using my H8 in 1998. Finally gave the whole system away (all
> pristine condition & working - including cassette drive, H9 Terminal,
> manuals, and original software sometime around 2000.
> Wish I would have kept it now.)
> Had a heck of a time explaining to my instructor at the University of
> Maryland (yes, we had satellite courses even then) that my BH Basic
> could do serial I/O with the hardware access statements. See:
> <
> http://home.comcast.net/~davidwallace2000/h8/project8080_archive/pgs/basic.html<http://home.comcast.net/%7Edavidwallace2000/h8/project8080_archive/pgs/basic.html>
> >
> Here's the assembly manual for the H8:
> http://www.classiccmp.org/dunfield/heath/h8_asm.pdf
> I after dabbling with BH BASIC, Fortran & Cobol, I went the other
> direction from others in this thread and instead concentrated on
> assembly language (HASL-8 2 pass assembler was what I used to learn),
> and then Varian Minicomputer Microcode (hence: NoOp).
> Note: TRS/Trash-80's were for wimps in our circle & paddle keys
> sucked... Octal keypads ruled... until we discovered that Hex became the
> defacto standard :-(
> Seems like we always seem to have an OT reminiscence of this around this
> time of year... :-)

Nice experience!

Parshwa Murdia
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