Interesting recovery frustrations
Tom H
tomh0665 at
Sat Dec 18 01:40:47 UTC 2010
On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 5:25 PM, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
>> When reformatting?! Why not also include the possibility of swapping a
>> disk out and ending up with a different hardware ID?!
> How does this not fit into "physically moving the drive connectors?"
> Don't confuse physical changes with software-induced modifications -
> there is a significant difference.
>> I recently had a box where the kernel module load order changed after
>> an update and the device names changed.
> That sounds quite unusual to me, but it is indeed on a par with a
> hardware change that affects drive order - how often does a kernel
> module change affect drive ids? Rarely.
>> So device names aren't more
>> persistent than UUIDs or labels (at least for that reason). For a
>> single install, filesystem UUIDs don't change except when you dual-,
>> triple-, quadruple-, ...-boot and you allow mkswap to run during the
>> install of the nth OS. The swap partition's UUID is then changed...
> When you generalize from a corner case, you weaken your own argument.
>> You seem to be agreeing with the earlier ranter about using device
>> names and thereby deviating from Ubuntu standards in a worse way than
>> enabling root because you can (CAN!) make a system unbootable.
> If you insist on reading your own ideas into what I posted, you are
> free to do that but it doesn't make your words mine. If you're
> *asking* if that's what I said, the answer is no.
> What I said is that I prefer to use labels for device naming and
> mounting. mainly because *I* decide what the labels are, not a
> formatter or the OS or the hardware. *I* prefer that level of
> control. Using labels I was able to recover and boot my Ubuntu. If
> I'd had to go through at least one other round of live CD booting just
> to read the UUIDs and possibly get them wrong, I might have gone
> completely mad. My labels gave me a shortcut that worked. Others are
> free not to use that method, and if newer works for you, go for it,
> but don't expect everyone to.
I shouldn't have wasted any time on this thread...
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