[OT] wanting to play with full suite of Java EE under ubuntu

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Fri Dec 17 08:44:26 UTC 2010

  having been a moderate java programmer quite some time back, i'd
like to get familiar with the full suite of java EE technology, and
i'd like to do all that on ubuntu.

  i'm not looking to become a java EE expert -- mostly, i just want to
get a passing familiarity with the different components of the
technology, at least enought to know what they mean, be able to set it
all up, run at least one simple example for each bit, etc.

  a friend lent me this book:


which looks like it might be what i'm after.  and to that end, i'm
going to want to install and test all the necessary components on my
ubuntu system, so i'm curious as to who else has done this, whether
there's a ubuntu-specific web page that covers this, and so on.

  if there are any good online pointers to get me started, that would
be great.  in the meantime, i'm just going to start poking around that
book and see what ubuntu packages correspond to the different
technologies, then try to set up and run simple examples of
everything.  thanks.



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
LinkedIn:                               http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rpjday

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