logout/shutdown applet

Thierry de Coulon tcoulon at decoulon.ch
Thu Dec 16 17:36:13 UTC 2010

On Thursday 16 December 2010 04:50:02 pm Colin Law wrote:

> > I use the following Nautilus script:
> >
> > #!/bin/bash
> > # open Shutdown-Restart Menu
> > exec gnome-session-save --shutdown-dialog
> That only provides the shutdown/restart options, not logout that the
> OP is looking for

Yes, you are right, I missed that (but I never log out either, being the only 

> > then I simply right click on the desktop, choose "scripts" and shutdown,
> > and I get the ususal dialog.
> I don't see a 'scripts' option when I right click on my (Gnome)
> desktop.  How do I get that?
> Colin

Look for the directory ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts  (at least that's where it 
is in Meerkat) and create a textfile with the code you want (the file name 
will be the command name). make it executable.

The Scripts option should now appear. I use this way to mount nfs shares too, 
basically you can create as many commands as you wish. If there is a way to 
log out from the command line (of course there is!), you can write a logout 


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