About programing, a general question

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 16 17:09:38 UTC 2010

On 16 December 2010 16:59, Parshwa Murdia <ubuntu.bkn at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> If one has to start from the scratch, from the zeroth level to do the
> programing, which programing language one should start with? In the ocean of
> the languages, to start with is really very typical. Can one justify it.
> Some say Python but again they say it is Perl which is better every time
> then the Python. Some say to start with C or C++ but again some emphasis to
> use Java or C#. Many say to go for .Net and VB or COBOL and some say to
> learn web based programing like HTML, PHP, ASP.Net. In this ocean who is
> just starting to learn which one he should prefer?
> Many say that what is the purpose of learning, then I say that to have the
> basic understanding of how exactly we can handle the machines like the CPU.
> Not to generate the big projects for the management processes, not even
> banking system but to know the basic of programing like how to handle the
> machines at the first, for that purpose, for the the scratch level purpose
> and for the one which is good even for Linux, what programing language
> should one like me, initiate?

The first issue is to consider what sort of applications interest you.
 If you would like to try web site development then I would suggest
Ruby on Rails would be something to look at.  If you would like to
build programs to run on your desktop to interact with your computer
then possibly Python.  If scientific data analysis and statistics then
possibly C++.  Any of these will allow you to learn the basics of
computer programming, but it is advisable to use a tool which is good
for what interests you.  Others will no doubt suggest other languages,
though I think it unlikely anyone here will recommend .NET, VB or


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