vncserver configuration ?

Lawrence Houston ubuntu at
Thu Dec 16 15:23:19 UTC 2010


On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, stan wrote:

> I have an Ubuntu machine that lives behiind a NAT'es firewall. Various
> users, who have access to Windows machines only, need to be able to access
> this machine,  and log on to it to various accounts.
> What I have in mind is setting up VNC on this machine, such that when you
> connect, you are presented with a login banner, much like you would get
> with XDM.

For my Remote Accessing I use NX...  Although initially I started with 
"FreeNX", early on I found NX from "NoMachine" was more "Stable", so I 
have stayed with NoMachine's Releases since:

All you have to do is Open a SSH Tunnel through your NATed Firewall and if 
SSH Connections already "Work" (make sure Ubuntu's "OpenSSH-Server" 
Package is installed), then NX Sessions should just "Work"...  For that 
you would require NXClient, NXNode, NXServer (installed in that order) on 
your Ubuntu Machine!!!

Lawrence Houston  --  (ubuntu at

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