Some strange behaviour (now looking for ways to trim the system)

Jeff G. connyank at
Wed Dec 15 00:22:24 UTC 2010

On 12/14/2010 03:51 PM, James wrote:
> Hi Jeff
>> On 12/13/2010 04:26 PM, James wrote:
>>> Hi Guys
> Hi James
> The old crystal ball isn't what it once was
> <snip>
>> I have made a few mods to the system so likely I messed up a little.
> like what?
> -----------------------------------
> Basically trying to remove unneeded stuff to free up room, e.g. setting
> up to basically do programming so considered 3d desktop effects to be
> unneccessary and uninstalled, remove open office, media players, extra
> language files, etc
>> I've
>> been trying to save room on the system as it's main drive is only
> 4gig.
>> So far I managed to move the home directory to an 8gig sd card. I
>> uninstalled compiz, have installed a number of window managers.
> a number of?  how many do you need?
> --------------------------------------
> Actually trying to work out a good light weight window manager that I
> like. Thought if I find a good one then can remove the gnome desktop
> bto free more space
>> Thought lubuntu might have been the culprit so uninstalled it and
> still
>> the same.
> Thought the os was Ubuntu 10.04 - which is it?
> ------------------------------
> Actually when I searched for window manager in synaptic lubuntu was
> one of the listed. Actalyy a desktop
> At this point as the system hasn't anything important on it, it might be
> easier to just reinstall? and I may just stick with the gnome destktop
> whilest finding other ways to trim the system by removing unneeded
> apps etc. Setting up for programming, mainly c++ with sdl, opengl,
> and openal and using a makefile via the terminal to compile programs
> James
sounds like you may want to install ubuntu server edition and the add on 
piece by piece rather than removing pieces and having to worry about 
dependencies and such.

I don't know lubuntu but it sounds promising - do a fresh install of 
whatever you do...

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