Strange (dns ?) behavior

Hal Burgiss hal at
Mon Dec 13 21:42:08 UTC 2010

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 4:28 PM, stan <stanb at> wrote:

> > Do you have multiple search domains in resolv.conf by any chance? If not
> > sure, take a peak.  (I ran into something recently that caused some
> similar
> > symptoms, at least with ping output)
> >
> I do. 4 of them in fact. What did you find?
There is a bug or at least inconsistency in the way the documentation says
to handle this vs how Ubuntu network manager  does things. This issue seemed
to be (in my case) whether the domains are separated by a space or comma.
For me, there were just two domains and after chasing this off and on for a
while, I just went back to one.  So I don't know a proper solution. And I
can't say for sure that's the cause, but that was where I wound up with it

I'd definitely be curious to hear what you find out.

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