Alvarez' spam posts to this list

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Sun Dec 12 01:09:43 UTC 2010

On Sat, 11 Dec 2010 13:58:19 -0800 (PST)
norberto alvarez <alvarezmaizonaba at> wrote:

> From: norberto alvarez <alvarezmaizonaba at>

[snip of too-obvious spam URL]

I do have this alveraz fellow's posts filtered normally.  Today I was
looking through the deletable spam in Claws mail before losing it
completely and had to wonder why 
        norberto alvarez <alvarezmaizonaba at> 
gets through the list filters. Has no one
noticed that his posts are dope spam?

Just to make sure I'm not  being stupid here I followed his last two
links to sites selling dope.  Where are the list filters/moderators?

Cybe R. Wizard
About disasters:
"We'll do what we always do; point the finger of blame, sacrifice a
few goats, figure out how to turn a profit and then get on with it."
	J. Paul Spacer

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