playing with samba in a linux-only environment?

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at
Sat Dec 11 12:50:55 UTC 2010

On Sat, 11 Dec 2010 01:57:16 -0500 (EST)
"Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday at> wrote:

>   i *think* i've asked about this before but i didn't see any
> responses and there was a period when my posts to this list were not
> making it out.
>   can i set up a simple samba-based network in a linux-only
> environment?  i'll be teaching another linux admin class in january
> and i'm told the students will want to see at least the fundamentals
> of samba.  however, the classroom will have no windows systems (that
> is something over which i have no control), but theoretically, if i
> can set up one linux box as a samba server and another as a samba
> client, surely i can at least show what the setup *would* look like.
> and (also theoretically) it should work, yes?
Yes it works, for me, I have a share on one machine that is accessed by other machines using Samba.  This was set up using the Nautilus share option.

Steve Cook (Yorvyk) 

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