how safe is it to start running the alpha of 11.04?

David Curtis dave.c.curtis at
Fri Dec 10 14:58:29 UTC 2010

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Robert P. J. Day <rpjday at>wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Colin Law wrote:
> > On 10 December 2010 06:43, Robert P. J. Day <rpjday at>
> wrote:
> > >
> > >  since i don't mind living dangerously, i'm considering re-installing
> > > on my laptop and putting on the recent alpha of natty narwhal.  i
> > > fully expect there to be a few rough edges, of course, as long as
> > > there are no exploding, show-stopper bugs.  so as long as i can
> > > constantly update and upgrade to get fixes, any thoughts on this?
> >
> > There is absolutely no guarantee of anything with an alpha version.
> > You _could_ certainly hit an exploding, show stopping bug.  Normally
> > it would get sorted fairly quickly but there is no way you should use
> > an alpha for anything where complete loss of functionality would cause
> > you to say anything more than 'oh bother!'.
>   trust me, i understand the stock, politically correct answer
> regarding the reliability of alpha releases.  unofficially, i'm
> curious as to the historical stability of ubuntu alpha releases.  i
> remember constantly running pre-release versions of fedora and, while
> i hit the occasional and completely predictable annoyance, i never
> lost the system completely, so it wasn't an issue and i lived with
> those minor glitches.  i'm just curious as to how well ubuntu fares in
> this regard.
The devil is in the details, so they say. I say, in my most highly informed,
expert experienced opinion, that Ubuntu has the capability to 'break real
good'.  Predicting if that's going to happen during this cycle requires
looking at what is being worked on, what new sub-systems/kernel modules/apps
are being introduced/upgraded. To get that info requires paying attention to
UDS/dev teams meeting notes etc. So your not going to get more than the
stock answer here. If you really want to get into testing alpha get on IRC
(freenode) #ubuntu+1, much discussion and feedback happens there in real
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