Floppies and Maverick

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 10 01:20:49 UTC 2010

On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 15:51:54 -0500
Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com> wrote:

> You gotta admit it's crazy to burn a CD to transfer a couple of small
> files to another machine. We keep assuming that everyone in the world
> has surplus gigabytes of storage, networking and Internet access. The
> poor person using older hardware in a 3rd world country is being done
> a terrible disservice. Ric

Ship 'em some geek sticks*!  They are getting seriously cheap,
especially for the smaller sizes.  That Danged Wife buys them branded
as give-aways for her business.

* thumb drive, flash drive, jump drive, USB storage device,
  modern sneakernet transport device

Cybe R. Wizard -wow, Claws mail adds the indentation on the next line
after the * all by itself.  That's so cool!
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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