crippled meerkat

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Dec 9 06:56:29 UTC 2010

Ric Moore wrote:
> Any particular reason for starting your exploration of Linux with
> Meerkat?

Because that's the default you get when you download from the Ubuntu 

> You might be better served installing the LTS version (long
> Term Support) Lucid (ver 10.4). I think you'd be much better served.

That's debatable, IMHO. While I prefer not to upgrade every 6 months, 
there is nothing wrong with 10.10 for others who always want to have the 
latest & greatest. LTS means just that - "Long Term Support", i.e. 
updates for a longer period of time than for the regular versions. When 
I started using Linux I did not yet care about that detail. I was 
exploring the system to find out if it was something I wanted to use at 


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