Wubi paranoid friendly?

Mark C. Miller mmiller at millermc.net
Wed Dec 8 07:33:18 UTC 2010

On 12/07/2010 01:15 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I date from the era of vacuum tubes and 026's.
> Though I've programed, I'm a user not a programmer.
> I am a Windows(tm) user who wishes to be a *nix user.
> I wish to try Ubuntu.
> Full install OBVIOUSLY *NOT* acceptable ;/
> Dual boot *NOT* acceptable as it requires repartitioning my hard
> drive. I've had bad experiences with repartitioning.
> I've already gone the "live" CD/USB route which proves that my
> hardware is minimally compliant
> !!! *BUT* !!!
> I'm looking for something indistinguishable from a full install,
> think equivalent of "Turing Test" ;/
> Basic question is:
> "How does Wubi mess with my hard drive?"
> I've searched multiple Wubi related pages without an adequate answer.
Wubi is about as full proof as you can get.  I ran several systems under 
WUBI for almost a year before I took the plunge and blew out Windows 
completely.  If it "breaks", it's a simple matter of going into the 
control panel and deleting it just like you would any other program. 
You can run the full range of back-up options, so any files you create 
in Ubuntu [WUBI] can be saved for later use.

One issue I wasn't prepared for at the time I did it for the first time 
was the move to OpenOffice.org.  I just didn't give my Word processing 
requirements a second thought. I'd gotten so used to the Windows mindset 
that MS Office is always there, that I was a little shocked to learn I'd 
have to learn something new.   OOo is a piece of cake, and in my mind 
superior to Word, Excel, etc.  The "except" you hear coming in that 
statement deals with "impress"; it doesn't always like to work with 
PowerPoint files; but even that is not a big deal for basic 
presentations.  I found problems creeping in on slides with boxes of 
text, some special effects, and most embedded music.

The on-line community was great getting me started off, and has proved 
outstanding since.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with WUBI.

I'll be happy to offer my [limited] help.  The beauty of UBUNTU is that 
you don't have to be a power user to use the software.

Mark C. Miller
mmiller at millermc.net
Indianapolis, Indiana

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