Adding a Slave drive need help on uuid setup

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Dec 7 17:12:08 UTC 2010

On 7 December 2010 17:06, Larry Shields <larryesu at> wrote:
> On 12/07/2010 10:43 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 7 December 2010 16:35, Larry Shields <larryesu at> wrote:
> What I mean is when my system boots up, it shows me all of my drives, which
> gives me the option to choose which one to bootup, may it be WINDOZE drive
> or my Linux drive...
> Yes I currently boot off of my master drive and it is Ubuntu 10.4...
> Like I said it shows up in the bios, telling me that the drive is there, but
> I want it too show up in the menu.lst I think that is what comes up when
> booting...I would have to do a reboot to make sure if that is what it is
> called...
> If, in a terminal, you type
> sudo update-grub
> it will scan the discs and find the operating systems on your discs
> and make them available on booting.  However the new disk will only
> appear as a boot option if there is an operating system on it.  You
> did not reply to that question I asked previously.
> Now I did have a smaller hard drive which had windows xp on it, so when I
> booted up, I have the choice to either start XP or Linux, now I want it to
> be able too do the samething as it did before...But now since I have
> replaced that drive, I am sure that the uuid needs to be changed and what
> ever else that needs to be done for it to show up when I boot...
> Have you installed XP on the new disc?
> Colin
> Sorry, but I thought I mentioned that I do have WIN XP on that slave
> drive...
> And all that I now need too do is use update grub...???

sudo update-grub should do it.


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