firefox broken

Dave Howorth dhoworth at
Tue Dec 7 11:49:01 UTC 2010

Firefox isn't working well on my 10.04 box. It used to, but today it
isn't. I think there was a recent upgrade and synaptic says I have:

3.6.12+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid-updates)

I have two problems:

(1) I normally run it remotely (because lucid is not my desktop machine)
and it's currently unusable. When I start it, nothing happens for a
while then I get a dialog box saying that an error occurred whilst
loading or saving config information (it's bleating about dbus issues
which it's not going to resolve - it's made assumptions about its
environment that just aren't true).

Then nothing happens for a while and the firefox window opens. My start
up page is a local file with some links; that's OK. If I click on one of
the links (e.g. BBC news) nothing happens for a while and then a page
element comes in then (you guessed it) nothing happens for a while and
... you get the picture. Eventually I kill the process

(2) If I run it locally on that machine's screen, it comes up normally
and works at its usual speed. The only problem is that the menu is
white-on-white! Other applications have white-on-black menus (which I
hate but I haven't bothered trying to change any bling options).

Does anybody have any idea of what's changed recently with firefox?
Especially what's broken its networking capability?

Thanks, Dave

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