Assistance installing Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Tue Dec 7 01:15:01 UTC 2010

 On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 14:15, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> > Donna Windom wrote:
> >> Using the Ubuntu CD I downloaded, I was able to
> >> run Ubuntu from the CD and navigate using the graphical user
> >> interface.
> >> 
> >> After restarting I have the option to run WindowsXP or
> >> Ubuntu. I chose Ubuntu, but instead of getting the easy to navigate
> >> GUI, I get the following after logging in:
> >> 
> >> username at ubuntu:~$
> >> 
> >> Is there a way to have a graphical user interface instead of the
> >> command line?
> > 
> > I suppose there is a problem with your video card because usually the
> > GUI should start automatically. As it doesn't start, there should be
> > something in the log file "/var/log/Xorg.0.log". Probably it would be
> > the easiest way to use the Ubuntu LiveCD to access that file and post it
> > here.

Wouldn't one type startx aqt the prompt?  At least it should give the error 
messages if it doesn't start.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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