Missing Trash

Christopher A. Lindsey CLindsey at GarudaLLC.com
Sun Dec 5 17:07:09 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-12-04 at 20:55 +0000, Colin Law wrote: 
> On 4 December 2010 20:10, Christopher A. Lindsey <CLindsey at garudallc.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm relatively new user.  So, go easy on me...
> >
> > I recently encountered a problem with my Ubuntu 10.10 system with regard
> > to the trash/file system.
> >
> > I setup sbackup to do daily backups and keep 10 days of backups.  I was
> > running out of disk space.  So, I copied the older backups off to
> > another machine.  I then attempted to delete them from my system.  As my
> > standard user account did not have adequate permissions I ran nautilus
> > as administrator.  I was able to delete the files, however, when I
> > attempted to go into trash to completely remove them I received an error
> > and no files were displayed.  I did not capture the error message as I
> > was to quick to click to try again.  I restarted the machine and
> > reloaded nautilus as administrator and was able to access the trash.
> > However, no files are listed.  But, the space that was allocated has not
> > been freed.
> If they are of substantial size, which I am guessing they may be as
> the purpose of the exercise was to free up disk space, you could run
> Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyser, scan initially home,
> and if necessary the whole machine, and look for a folder that is much
> bigger than it should be.
> Colin
Hi Colin,

Thanks for your reply.  I have tried that and I just tried it again.
Here are the results:

Total Filesystem capacity: 35.3 GB (used: 32.3 GB available: 3.0 GB )

Results of Scan Filesystem:
Folder "/" Usage 100% Size 10.6 GB Contents 21 items

So, it appears to me that the space has not been released but it is not
assigned to any files.

Any additional ideas?


Christopher A. Lindsey <CLindsey at GarudaLLC.com>
Garuda, LLC
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