Upgrading to 10.04
Ray Parrish
crp at cmc.net
Sat Dec 4 15:51:22 UTC 2010
Nils Kassube wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>> I would
>> lie to ask for a recap of possible problems or gotchas to doing an
>> in place upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04.
> Without searching the archives of this list I can't tell you about such
> problems. But that's what you probably have done already without finding
> anything. At least I don't remember any problems on the one system I
> upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04, but it is always a good idea to check the
> release notes [1] first because there might be something special with
> your hardware.
>> I am especially interested in whether or not Audacity works well, or
>> is even included in 10.04, since I use it extensively for my musical
>> recordings, and need this ability greatly.
> It is included, but can you define "works well"? I don't use it myself,
> but if I would, I couldn't answer your question without more info.
Audacity in 8.04 was a bear to configure, and refuses to work any way
other than having it's playback, and record devices set to the older
/dev/dsp device setting instead of the more recent alsa, or pulseaudio
sound settings. It still throws gray out fits at times for ten or
fifteen seconds when I try to get it to play back a track to hear my
changes while editing a project.
>> I would also like to know if Firefox is working correctly again in
>> 10.04 since the current version I have with 8.04 is miserably
>> broken, forcing me to use Google Chrome, which I am not all that
>> thrilled with.
> Yes, it is working correctly - at least for me. Again, maybe you should
> define what you mean with "working correctly". Can you explain your
> trouble with firefox in 8.04?
Yes, Firefox closes immediately if I attempt to load the following page
by any method -
This page is a great guitar scale reference that I use quite a bit, but
can not now access with Firefox. It did not used to crash on this page,
but now it always does. I have asked for help in a Firefox forum, but
they evidently are not familiar with the Linux version, and can not some
up with any answers for me.
Firefox's Tab Kit add on is also broken, which causes much frustration
when it decides to malfunction, and will not hide the tab list properly.
I hate using Google Chrome, which is currently the only usable option I
have to accomplish the things I do on the web.
Later, Ray Parrish--
The Unknown Lead Player, Ray Parrish
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