Upgrading to 10.04

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Sat Dec 4 12:52:47 UTC 2010

On 04/12/10 09:09, Ray Parrish wrote:
> I am especially interested in whether or not Audacity works well, or is
> even included in 10.04, since I use it extensively for my musical
> recordings, and need this ability greatly.

Audacity works without a problem. I use it master tracks  of a.o. 
recordings of arrangements played on 2 piano's, combining 4 tracks to 
one stereo recording for burning or big band recordings, both made with 
a Zoom R16.

> I would also like to know if Firefox is working correctly again in 10.04
> since the current version I have with 8.04 is miserably broken, forcing
> me to use Google Chrome, which I am not all that thrilled with.
Firefox gives me also no problems but I have seen some have had some 
problems with it.
You didn't mention if you use 32- or 64-bit Ubuntu as in former versions 
the 64-bit flash wasn't available but problem has now vanished.


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