Upgrading to 10.04

Ray Parrish crp at cmc.net
Sat Dec 4 08:09:33 UTC 2010

Hi there,

I've been away from this group for a while due to my pursuit of my 
musical compositions on guitar taking u a lot of my time, so I would lie 
to ask for a recap of possible problems or gotchas to doing an in place 
upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04.

I am especially interested in whether or not Audacity works well, or is 
even included in 10.04, since I use it extensively for my musical 
recordings, and need this ability greatly.

I would also like to know if Firefox is working correctly again in 10.04 
since the current version I have with 8.04 is miserably broken, forcing 
me to use Google Chrome, which I am not all that thrilled with.

Sorry I haven't been participating in the group much lately, I've just 
been really busy pursuing a new career in music trying to put to good 
use my forty years of guitar playing.

Check out the songs I have been posting on my Facebook account's 
profile. I have composed, and recorded over 80 new songs in the past 
three months, and I also post many recordings of me playing with all of 
the famous bands from down through the years there also.


The Unknown Lead Player, Ray Parrish
Linux dpkg Software Report script set..
Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray.
Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other
things, including my poetry.

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