file sharing glitch

Dave Stevens geek at
Sat Dec 4 01:02:26 UTC 2010


I have a problem sharing a file using Ubuntu 10.10 32bit live.

I have a Windows box with a borked startup. I want to copy Documents and 
Settings to another computer as a backup. I'll then reload Windows, reinstall 
the docs and carry on.

I have a Fedora 14 box on my subnet at address 1.2, the UbuntuLive (Windows 
borked)  unit is at 1.20. Samba has been downloaded and installed to the live 
unit. I have shared the folder from the ubuntu box (1.20) and can see it under 
the Fedora Network | Windows Network icon as Ubuntu and then can open that 
icon to see Docs and Settings (Which I had to rename to dands for name issues) 
but I can't see the contents. So I'm almost there but don't see what more to 
do to get access to the contents of the folder,

Ideas? references?


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