ssh connections stopped working

David Fletcher dave at
Fri Dec 3 22:05:38 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 21:29 +0000, Colin Law wrote:

> Reaching the end of my knowledge base here, but I assume that the fact
> that there is nothing logged means that it is not an authorization
> problem.  It suggests the problem is earlier than that.  Other than
> that I don't think I can help much.  Over to someone with more
> in-depth knowledge?
> Colin

The answer should have been staring me in the face - ping [name of son's
desktop] was working but actually returning the address of somebody

Now, I think I may know what happened here - I think I may have upgraded
my desktop from Hardy to Maverick with a fresh HDD since the last rsync
to my son's desktop was run. The stuff I needed to restore also gets
backed up to the server, which is where I think I restored it from, so,


I hadn't put the son's computer back into /etc/hosts!

Thanks Colin for your suggestions they helped me get it sorted out.


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