ssh connections stopped working

David Fletcher dave at
Fri Dec 3 21:16:00 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 20:03 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
> > Can anybody give me a clue, please?
> Is openssh-server installed?
Yes, it's been installed from day 1. Otherwise the previous rsync
operations couldn't have worked.

> Have a look in auth.log to see if anything is logged there when you
> try to connect via ssh.  Are specifying a valid username to ssh when
> you try to connect?
> ssh -l username server
No, it's not adding entries to auth.log. I know that I have a valid
username. It's the same as in the scripts that I was using to do rsync
operations before. It was all set up and working with my public key
added to .ssh/authorized_keys.

Because I've not looked at this file before, I connected by ssh to the
server and checked it there. Why does it have at the end of the accepted
password line
port 52144 ssh2 ?
I thought ssh worked over port 22? Or am I showing my ignorance here? Is
port 52144 just used to do the authorisation? I guess it negotiates a
random port number for this because next time is was 37747.
Currently the last line in the server auth.log is:-
pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user administrator by (uid=0)

> Colin

Don't suppose it's got anything to do with this but the desktop machine
has been upgraded from Lucid to Maverick. The laptop though was a wipe
and fresh install.


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