Evolution not online?
Tomas Alberto Ramirez Andujar
tramirez at educamaguey.rimed.cu
Thu Dec 2 13:36:38 UTC 2010
Hi, thank you all for your replays regarding the online ofline issue but
none of the mentioned option are active, i am aware of the
offline-online indicator in Ev but no luck with that working. I manage
to get online automatically with Thunderbird but that's not my no.1
choice. Any other suggestions will be appreciated.
Tomas Alberto Ramirez-Andujar, MSC, PA
DESEDUC - Diseño de Sistemas de Información
Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas José Martí
Camaguey - Cuba - Linux #269501 / Ubuntu 32743
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Pope <popey at ubuntu.com>
Reply-to: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: tramirez at educamaguey.rimed.cu, Ubuntu user technical support, not
for general discussions <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Evolution not online?
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 14:56:20 +0000
On 1 December 2010 12:51, Tomas Alberto Ramirez Andujar
<tramirez at educamaguey.rimed.cu> wrote:
> I have Ubuntu 10.10 , using Gnome, I use Evolution at the office but at
> home when i go on-line via modem my Evolution does not go on-line, is
> there anything else i need to do for this to work and download my
> messages to my preferred email client, instead, and in the mean time i
> am using Thunderbird.
Evolution tries to figure out if you're online from network manager.
If you're using some other dialler then Evolution probably thinks
you're offline. There's an option under the File menu to go online.
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