Missing link for handling .swf streams (radio, video)

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 2 09:33:01 UTC 2010

On 1 December 2010 20:35, Bas Roufs <basroufs at gmail.com> wrote:
>> vlc handles .swf files perfectly. Ric
> So far, I did not manage to get the .swf files managed by VLC. In the
> mean time, I installed the latest version of "Adobe Flash Player" from
> the Medibuntu repository and uninstalled some packages conflicting
> with it. As I wrote in my previous message: I am able to handle both
> video and audio .swf files - via the adobe plug in. But I am still
> curious how to configure VLC in such a way that it can handle .swf
> files too.

VLC works for me on flash straight out of the box.
In a terminal type
vlc -v some_swf_file.swf
putting your filename in obviously.  See whether the output in the
terminal contains any helpful messages.
Then try
vlc -vv some_swf_file.swf
the -vv will give more diagnostic, possibly too much.

If you still are not getting anywhere then the vlc list might be the
place to go.


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