Missing link for handling .swf streams (radio, video)
mhullrich at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 23:23:55 UTC 2010
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby
<mihamina at gulfsat.mg> wrote:
>> mhullrich at gmail.com :
>>OTOH, Synaptic is probably the better way to go.
> In what way?
I probably should have clarified this. I am a huge fan of the command
line and terminal shells - been using them for nigh on 24 years now
and there's power in the CLI that you just can't beat. However,
there's also a lot of background knowledge often required to make
intelligent use of the CLI.
Having worked mostly on UNIX/Linux machines most of my professional
life, I have preferred CLI over the entire GUI approach for the most
That said, when a GUI is well done and performs most of the janitorial
tasks for the user in a cleanly, properly implemented fashion, I lean
more in that direction now than ever before, especially since moving
from CentOS to Ubuntu (where the newer GUIs are so much better done
than what was in CentOS, and I mean absolutely no disrespect to CentOS
or their excellent team of developers with this).
So, to clarify, when a GUI that is well done is available to perform
tasks in a smoother fashion than what is on the command line, I
recommend it.
Hence, Synaptic is the better way to go because it includes a seamless
integration of package search and management functions that otherwise
require one to know dpkg, apt* and others. (By contrast, I have now
had three significant run-ins with YaST and I still hate it and fight
with it every time I have to face it - yuck. Even yum was not as well
integrated as Synaptic and the aptitude tools. IMNSHO....)
Or do you have an issue with this that I/we should know?
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